Seychelles FIU Reporting Platform
The Seychelles Financial Intelligence Unit is responsible for the collation, processing, analysis and disseminating of information with a view to combating money laundering and the funding of terrorism. The FIU is also responsible for monitoring compliance with relevant legislative provisions.
In order to access the goAML system, you first need to register using the link below. Please note that access to the system is restricted to law enforcement agencies, supervisory authorities and reporting entities.
Once the registration process has been completed successfully, you may then log in using the credentials provided during registration.
Registration Guidelines RegistergoAML Helpful Resources
Reporting entities can use the links below to navigate to helpful resources such as the documentations for reporting and guidelines for submission. In the near future, the Seychelles FIU will be releasing its XML upload feature that will allow for bulk XML uploads of reports.
FIU Website
Please visit our website for more information, legislative updates, publications and useful links.